ABN 22 346 252 276
P.O. Box 2478,
Bakery Hill VIC 3354

The Statue

The Trust commissioned sculptor Louis Laumen to create the Sir Albert Coates statue in 2000. Laumen chose to depict Sir Albert at the time where he achieved some of his best surgical and medical work - while a prisoner of war on the Thai-Burma Railway.

The sculpture shows Coates in shabby clothing putting on a make-shift surgical gown prior to one of his famous life-saving operations in the POW camps.
The statue is surrounded by nine plaques that provide a brief overview of the Coates story.

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© Copyright 2007 - 2018 - Albert Coates - Master Surgeon, Teacher, Humanitarian
This website is presented by the Albert Coates Memorial Trust, PO Box 2478, Bakery Hill, Victoria, 3354