Deakin University, 4th Year Medicine, Elective placements
Launched in 2018 the Coates Trust Scholarship is presented to a third-year medical student enrolled at Deakin University. The award is valued at $3,000 and is used to support the student's fourth year medical internship. Applications are made mid-year through the university.
The Coates Trust Award was established by The Albert Coates Memorial Trust, and funded by the Australian Legion of ex-Servicemen and Women, to assist a year 3 medicine student with costs associated with year 4 medical elective placements.

Applications are invited for ONE award of up to $3,000.
To be eligible for this scholarship you must:
- Be an Australian citizen or holder of an Australian permanent humanitarian visa.
- Be enrolled full time in a Bachelor of Medicine Bachelor of Surgery currently studying year 3 (i.e. HME302).
- Be enrolled in a Commonwealth Supported Place (including Bonded Medical Places).
- Be able to demonstrate hardship and/or financial disadvantage.
Preference will be given to applicants who are able to address the below ‘desirable’ criteria:
- Able to demonstrate a personal or family involvement (present or past) with the Australian Armed Services.
- Intend to work in a rural or regional area on completion of their training.
- The eligibility criteria relating to financial disadvantage includes an income below $39,825 (either personal if self-supported, or family if family supported) or receipt of a specific Centrelink benefit such as: ABSTUDY, AUSTUDY, Parent Payment (Partnered or Single), Youth Allowance, Disability Pension or Veteran’s Means Assessed Pension.
- Evidence of being in receipt of these Centrelink benefits is to be provided by applicants in the form of a document issued by Centrelink such as an Account Statement or Income Statement.
- Applicants who are not in receipt of a Centrelink benefit are required to provide evidence of income, either personal, or family, in the form of an Australian Taxation Office Notice of Assessment.
- Applicants who are experiencing hardship will be required to write an impact statement on how they will benefit from the award (no more than 100 words).
- Applicants who demonstrate their commitment to completing their training at a rural or regional clinical school (Greater green triangle or Rural Community clinical school) will be given priority.
Selection criteria:
- Applicants who meet the eligibility criteria will be assessed (by a panel from the Deakin School of Medicine Admission and Selection Committee and may include the Chair or nominee of the Sir Albert Coates Memorial Trust), through a competitive process. This may involve an interview after short-listing of applicants.
- Applications of more than 300 words will not be considered.
Special requirement:
- An annual Coates Oration in held in October/November each year. You will be invited to attend and provide a short overview on the impact of the award – if you are unable to attend in person due to placement or other circumstance, you will be required to provide an impact statement in writing.
Source: Deakin University Scholarships page:
To be Advised
Deakin University, 4th Year Medicine, Elective placements Recipients
- Charlee Pengelly
- Alanah Orr
- Thomas Anderson
- Matt Scott
- Ellie Louise Smith
- Bevan Hirst
- Conor Dickson
- Justin Galvin